Quantum Reflex Analysis

Quantum Reflex Analysis is an amazing muscle testing innovation that allows us to communicate directly with the body to understand what it needs to heal and bring itself into balance. Using the Omara O-ring technique, we tune into organ-specific meridian points to assess their health and test various nutritional and herbal remedies that will bring it back into well-being. This is a modality I am currently training in and receiving mentorship from Mary Kay Finn, a QRA practitioner of over 16 years who honed her craft through assisting the creator, Dr. Marshall, in his client sessions for many years.

Dr. Marshall and his wife are also the creators of Premier Research Labs, whose supplements are where most our remedies are sourced. PRL has a commitment to testing 100% of their supplement ingredients for purity and their innovative formulation techniques ensure we are getting the most potent nutrition possible.

QRA sessions are not just about muscle testing and receiving remedies, but is a modality I use in conjunction with overall assessment of health and wellness. I have studied holistic nutrition and herbalism through the Holistic Wellness Pathway at Hill College under the programs creator, certified holistic nutritionist, health coach and registered herbalist, Dr. Lori Rose.

In a session, we will go over your health history, lifestyle and diet tendencies, and clarify your main health concerns. Then we will use QRA, supplementation, diet and lifestyle changes, and detoxification strategies to address organ weaknesses in pursuit of healing your health imbalances at the root level.

QRA is also unique in that it can be used to identify interference fields on the body, which we address using therapeutic mud. Interference fields can occur when we sustain physical injuries, get piercings and tattoos, receive vaccinations, or have surgeries, to name a few possibilities. The interference fields created can be a hidden cause of health concerns that won't seem to heal no matter what interventions have been tried before. We address these interference fields using therapeutic mud to re-establish the bodys bio-energetic field where it has been disrupted.

QRA also has a tool for identifying emotional and belief blocks that may be preventing someone from getting well. It is called Emotional Repolarization Technique. I may use this tool in conjunction with Hakomi to help you move beyond these blocks and allow real healing to begin.

At the time of this writing, I am giving basic health assessments and QRA sessions. Much can be addressed through simple diet and lifestyle adjustments, addressing interference fields, and adding in foundational nutritional supplements. However, for more complex health concerns, I will either refer you to Mary Kay or work with you under Mary Kay's guidance and supervision. The benefit is that I can offer these sessions at a much lower rate than you would get with Mary Kay, while still benefiting from QRA and Mary Kay's expertise!

Initial session is 1.5 hours long where we will go over your intake form and start formulating a gameplan, your foundational supplement plan and begin identifying the most important interference fields.

~Initial Session is $75~

Follow-up sessions are by the hour where we will continue identifying interference fields that need to be addressed, update you supplement plan, and check in on how things are going and make any necessary modifications to your healthplan.

~ Follow-up sessions are sliding scale rate of $65 - $45 ~