
“Where do you stand in relation to these many realms?”

-Hakomi Defined in the Hopi Langauge

What is Hakomi?

One of my favorite ways to describe Hakomi is “assisted self-study”. With Hakomi, we explore together with loving awareness all that arises within your being- somatically, emotionally, mentally and beyond. Images, thoughts, feelings, sensations, yearnings, intuitions, assumptions-all are free game to deepen into and expand beyond.

Following the Hakomi principles of organicity and non-violence, we gently follow the natural unfolding of the psyche as it expresses itself through all these planes of experience. Many things can happen here, including encountering the inner child, specific memories, running into old emotions, spontaneous releases, and more. Each persons journey is unique.

What Is It Like To Work With Me?

My job as facilitator is to follow where you lead and step in to provide guidance as necessary, while holding a container of loving presence and attunement to your process.

These sessions can unlock what may be hidden in the subconscious, and offer us the opportunity to see clearly what blocks us from receiving the nourishment available to us and practice taking it in.

It is a study of how we move in and out of nervous system regulation, and a practice of allowing more fluidity between them, un-sticking ourselves from a predominance in one sate of being, whether it be fight/flight/freeze/shut-down.

In my sessions, I weave in elements of Internal Family Systems, somatic awareness, polyvagal theory, Buddhist contemplative science, and more.

Also a practitioner of Buddhist practices and meditation, I bring in many elements I've learned from these experiences, key of which are allowance, acceptance and compassion. In 2023, I participated in Dr. John Churchill's year long meditation program on Maitreya's Nine Stages of Calm Staying, also known as The Elephant Path.

Dr. Churchill's ability to weave together transpersonal psychology, attachment theory and Buddhist contemplative science and meta-cognitive skills was a true revelation for me.

I found there is significant overlap between Buddhist practice and perspectives and the experience of Hakomi. At the root, they are both studies in the impact and power of how one relates to themselves. It starts with the seed of intention at a very basic, energetic level. How do I relate to what arises within me, and does it lead me towards suffering or towards liberation/contentment?

Ultimately, it is a reworking of our relationship with ourselves in order to achieve coherence and integration of our many parts.

Through this, we free up energy that is caught up in sustaining habits that cause us suffering, which can then be put towards conscious and intentional use for the highest personal and collective benefit!

Sessions are 75 minutes long

Sliding scale rate of $65 - $45

What Clients Are Saying:

“Over the past few months working with Chelsea I’ve had many break through moments that have allowed me to gain insight and resources to handle blocks in my life. I’ve learned so much about myself and addressed deep emotional blocks I struggled to understand for years.

Just a few sessions has opened me up to a new way of processing emotions and getting deeper within myself. I’ve seen significant changes in my stress levels and find I’m more mindful and patient with my family. Being able to address the physical root of my emotions has been transformational and has improved my life immensely.

I am excited to continue to work with Chelsea as I uncover deeper levels of my emotional being that are found within my body. I love how sessions are laid out and always leave feeling like something important was uncovered. I'm very appreciative of the support Chelsea has been able to provide me over the past few months.”

-Rachel, Asheville, NC

“Chelsea listens deeply, sees with clarity, and guides from the heart. She is a gem of a person and a blessing as a facilitator. Highly recommended!”

-Fede, Montreal, CA

“I was pleasantly surprised by how much the Hakomi session helped me release my stored emotions. Chelsea did a fantastic job of facilitating a session where I was able to move at my own pace and release my energy in a safe way. In the weeks following my session I experienced deeper levels of healing and emotional integration as a result. I am so thankful I experienced Hakomi at this exact moment in my life, because it is exactly what I needed to grow. “

-Dana, Chicago, IL
