Hello, I’m Chelsea

Wanderer, observer of life, morphing into fully embodied woman of power, slowly but surely. I stumbled onto a path of intentional personal evolution during my early college years. Psychedelics and books on zen buddhism were my inductors at that time, sharply marking a distinctive new phase in life, one marked by a budding self awareness and a conception of choice in my circumstances. Since then, my most enduring hobby has been putting a magnifying glass to the inner movements of myself and those of the external world in relation to them. Like the changing colors of autumn leaves in my birth state of Michigan, I’ve witnessed myself subtly shift through shades of being. Exuberant alignment with all of my reality at times, the crest on the wave of experience, all the way down into the troughs, lost, disconnected from source and magic. Cycling through and through, spiraling slowly up, for even when it seems I’ve taken 1 step forward and 2 steps back, I remind myself I’m still moving forward.

Writings & Reflections

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